The Multidisciplinary Center serves pre-school and school-aged children who are experiencing severe and/or complex academic, medical, and/or behavioral/emotional problems. Children and their families are referred by twenty school districts in the Florida Panhandle, and other state and community agencies.
Services for Children Include:
Diagnostic Evaluations
- psychological assessment of children and adolescents
- specialized evaluations of children suspected of having an Autism Spectrum Disorder, or Attention Disorder
- specialized evaluations for bilingual children
Therapeutic Interventions and Consultation
- school-based individual and group mental health services with children and adolescents
- participation on school-based intervention teams
- academic and behavioral consultation with teachers and school personnel
- referral to and collaboration with appropriate community-based agencies or resources
- outpatient group therapy services for children and their caregivers, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), outpatient individual and family therapy
It is expected that Center activities will result in increased achievement for individual children; acquisition of alternative teaching strategies and behavior management techniques for teachers; improved parenting skills; more sophisticated diagnostic techniques for children; improved working relationships between school districts and the University; better awareness of physiological contributors to learning and behavior problems in children, and research findings appropriate to improve public education.
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